Published Every two weeks. January 4th, 2012
PLEASE NOTE: You are on our list because at some point in the past few years you opted to stay connected to Kellie. To change your subscription, see the link at the end of the email.
In this issue:
Personal Note from Kellie
Feature Article: Build Your Biz the Easy Way in 2012
Kellie Recommends: Professional Quality Video for FREE, with “My Business Story”
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Personal Note from Kellie
Welcome to 2012!!!
I always like to start a New Year by visualizing what I want my business to look like in the next 12 months. Then I imagine the kind of entrepreneur I need to be in order to have that business, so I can step into the shoes of that person.
Today’s feature article gives you 3 concrete tools on how to become the entrepreneur who will easily create the business you want, or take the business you have to the next level in 2012.
The picture on the right is of me and my family after hiking to Fallen Leaf Lake in Lake Tahoe last week. We just returned from that stress-free, relaxing vacation.
I must confess, earlier in the month I had the idea it would be better for me to stay home and use the time to get some of those things done in my business I don’t usually have time for.
I thought the satisfaction of completing those things would be more worthwhile than lounging around in Lake Tahoe. But my intuition kept telling me I should go to Tahoe, and I’ve learned it never pays to ignore my intuition. So I went.
I had no idea how much I needed that vacation until I got there! Here’s another confession . . . I actually brought some work with me, lol. But once I was there, surrounded by beautiful trees, a gorgeous lake, and an inviting jaccuzzi, the last thing I wanted to do was work.
So I buried the work at the bottom of my suitcase and shoved it in the closet. Yay! I had a wonderful time!
I know I’ll get more done after that break than I would have otherwise. It always works that way. So, next time you think working is a better idea than taking a break, think again.
You’ll return happier, more relaxed, more creative and more productive than you ever would have otherwise, no question about it! Just ask your intuition 😉
Here’s to an outrageous, fabulous, wildly prosperous, best every New Year! Happy 2012!!!!
P.S. A warm welcome and virtual “hug” to all you new readers who joined our tribe of growth-oriented entrepreneurs this week! You’re going to love the increased freedom and money you’ll manifest from the new perspectives, practical tools, and step-by-step marketing strategies you’ll find here – enjoy!
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Feature Article
Build Your Biz the Easy Way in 2012
How many times have you made a resolution to change something, for the New Year or any other time, and then you didn’t stick to it?
Yeah, me too. More than once, I’ll admit. When your focus is on strengthening a weakness, it can be an uphill battle. Still, as entrepreneurs we must continue to work on ourselves if we want to build our businesses.
There’s just no way around it. Business growth always goes hand-in-hand with personal growth. So if you want to take your business to the next level, first you need to take yourself to the next level, and then the business follows.
But how do you do that quickly and easily, when it seems so darn hard to change those things about yourself you want to change?
The first thing you need to do is take a step back. Then, shift your focus. Instead of working on the things you want to “fix,” look instead to visualizing the person you want and need to be, in order to have the business you want to have.
When you focus on “fixing” something, it’s like wading through Jell-O: a lot of effort for a little gain.
When you focus on being the person you want to be, and then make all your business decisions from that perspective, you become that person much more quickly and easily. And you make that jump to the next level of your business immediately!
That’s the easy way. And by the way, when you change your focus, those things you’ve been trying to “fix,” tend to just melt away effortlessly.
Here are 3 specific tools to help you build your biz the easy way:
Think about what you want to accomplish in your business this year, and what kind of business owner you need to be in order to accomplish it. Then write a paragraph describing the business owner you envision.Find or draw a line on the floor (using the threshold of the door into your office works well). Stand on one side of the line, read your paragraph and envision the “new you” on the other side. Prepare yourself to “step into” beingthat person. Take your time.When you’re ready, take a deep breath, step over the line, and move forward into being the person you want to be. Then make all of your business decisions from that place.
- Create a leadership statement: When you imagine the next highest version of YOU, how do you see or experience yourself? Create an identity statement you can refer to quickly in the moment to direct your decisions, actions, brand, streams of income, etc. To help you create your statement, begin it with “As the leader of my business, I am . . .”
As the leader of my business . . .
1) “I am the powerfully authentic coach, lighting the way to fulfillment and prosperity.”
2) “I am the successful creative genius that delivers amazing results.”
3) “I am the compassionate, wise, multi-six figure leader.”
When referring to your leadership statement, ask yourself: “What would the (Insert leadership statement here) do in this situation?”
- Decide on the amount of money you intend to make with your business (hint: think BIG!), then when looking at business decisions, ask yourself: “As a (put Money Goal here _____) a year (put your title here) what will I do in this situation?
Example: “As a $500k a year coach, what will I do in this situation?”
Whichever idea works best for you, the trick is to imagine yourself to be that person. Become that person. You’ll know if it’s working because you’ll see your decisions in a whole new light. The answers will be clear, and you’ll be able to act on them.
And those things you wanted to “fix?” Ha! You can thumb your nose at them because they’ll take care of themselves when you’re operating at that next level in your biz.
Here’s to 2012, your most prosperous year ever!!!!!
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Want to post this article on your site, or pass it along to a friend?
You may absolutely share it with anyone you think might enjoy it! Just please include this complete blurb with it: “Kellie deRuyter is a business and marketing coach who specializes in helping coaches and experts launch and grow lucrative, fun and rewarding businesses. For your FREE Insider Secrets Marketing Kit, go to Thank you!”
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Kellie Recommends
Google and American Express have teamed up to give small business owners the opportunity to create professional quality video, for FREE!!! They figure why should the big corporations have all the fun? So they created “My Business Story.”All you need to have is any kind of digital video camera to take your own video and pictures. Then go to the website and upload your clips into the “My Business Story Tool.” |
You’ll be able to easily add graphics and music, then Voila! Share your professional looking video of your business story on your website, social networks, or anywhere else you like online. Stats show that online video increases your “likeability factor” by 26%!
Why not take advantage of this spectacular freebie? Have fun!
* * *Where’s Kellie? Jan. 5th – Virtual Business VIP Day with a client
Jan. 26th – Virtual Business VIP Day with a client
Feb. 22nd – Speaking Engagement
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About Kellie
Kellie deRuyter is a business and marketing coach who specializes in helping coaches and experts launch or grow lucrative, fun and rewarding businesses.
Having owned three successful home-based businesses, Kellie is a natural at coaching business owners to their own success. In her first business with a multi-level marketing organization, Kellie was in the top 3 – 7% of the company, winning multiple awards for coaching others to achieve top sales and build thriving businesses.
Kellie has earned professional coach certifications from the Institute for Professional Empowerment Coaching, the International Coach Federation, and the Money, Marketing and Soul® business coaching program. She also has a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and PublicRelations, with a minor in Sociology from San Jose State University.
Kellie lives in Santa Cruz, California, with her husband, twin boys, Miniature Australian Shepherd, and her black cat with one white whisker
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Published Every two weeks. You are on our list because at some point in the past few years you opted to stay connected to Kellie. To change your subscription, see the link at the end of this email. Please add to your white list or address book in your e-mail program, so that you have no trouble receiving future issues.
Welcome to 2012, ______!!!
I always like to start a New Year by visualizing what I want my business to look like in the next 12 months. Then I imagine the kind of entrepreneur I need to be in order to have that business, so I can step into the shoes of that person.
Today’s feature article gives you 3 concrete tools on how to become the entrepreneur who will easily create the business you want, or take the business you have to the next level in 2012.
The picture on the right is of me and my family after hiking to Fallen Leaf Lake in Lake Tahoe last week. We just returned from that stress-free, relaxing vacation.
I must confess, earlier in the month I had the idea it would be better for me to stay home and use the time to get some of those things done in my business I don’t usually have time for.
I thought the satisfaction of completing those things would be more worthwhile than lounging around in Lake Tahoe. But my intuition kept telling me I should go to Tahoe, and I’ve learned it never pays to ignore my intuition. So I went.
I had no idea how much I needed that vacation until I got there! Here’s another confession . . . I actually brought some work with me, lol. But once I was there, surrounded by beautiful trees, a gorgeous lake, and an inviting jaccuzzi, the last thing I wanted to do was work.
So I buried the work at the bottom of my suitcase and shoved it in the closet. Yay! I had a wonderful time!
I know I’ll get more done after that break than I would have otherwise. It always works that way. So, next time you think working is a better idea than taking a break, think again.
You’ll return happier, more relaxed, more creative and more productive than you ever would have otherwise, no question about it! Just ask your intuition 😉
Here’s to an outrageous, fabulous, wildly prosperous, best every New Year! Happy 2012!!!!