Step-by-Step 6-Figure Foundation Private VIP Day
In this fast and fun 5 hour virtual VIP day, together we will:
- Craft compelling messages that grab the attention of your ideal clients, to use on your website and in your marketing materials.
xx - Create your own Unique Branded Signature System, based on your unique experience and expertise, defining clear results that entice your ideal clients and encourage them to invest in your coaching.
xx - Create tempting offers at various price points that attract clients from all ends of the spectrum, leveraging your time so you earn more, AND flowing into one another so clients re-invest – stabilizing your cash flow.
- Choose names for all of your offerings that are in sync with your branding and sound appealing to your ideal clients, so they take that next step in working with you.
xx - Learn how to set up a simple internet presence that will get you up and running immediately, saving you time and money, build long term clientele, and allow you to focus on getting clients right away.
The day includes a private follow-up session a week later.
You’ll be amazed at how much we get done! My clients tell me it would have taken them months – even years to accomplish the same results on their own!
Are you ready to move into the express lane to launching your 6-figure business? If you know you are, then click here to apply for a Strategy Session with Kellie to learn more about the 6-Figure Foundation VIP Day.
Nail-Down-Your-Niche Private Intensive
In order to accomplish the extensive work we do in the business launch VIP day to launch your business, you need to have a specific and defined market and niche.
In this exciting intensive (up to 90 min), utilizing your passion and my marketing knowledge, you will choose the perfect market and niche for you at this time.
Then, together we will craft a memorable Branding Promise that communicates exactly who you work with, and what you do for them. You’ll be able to use this statement on your website and in all your marketing materials, and even as your elevator speech.
Are you ready to make the most important decision in your coaching career, to choose your market and your niche? If you are, then click here to apply for a Strategy Session with Kellie to learn more about the Nail-Down-Your-Niche Private Intensive.
Step-by-Step Marketing Mastery: 6-month Platinum Program
In this ongoing 6 month intensive program, you will receive step-by-step guidance, training, coaching, support and accountability to do all of the following:
- “Fill out” the details of your programs, so you feel prepared, ready and confident to enroll clients and charge what you’re worth.
- Create a quick and effective internet presence that will help you:
- Start marketing and getting clients as soon as possible.
- Create a loyal following, building long term clientele.
- Easily and effortlessly convert to a standard website whenever you like.
- Learn a proven step-by-step system that utilizes the skills you already have to enroll potential clients in your coaching, so you do so easily, naturally, and authentically, without feeling like a “pushy salesperson.”
- Create a specific and customized marketing plan to attract your ideal clients, then a strategy to implement that plan, step-by-step.
- Learn how to build effective relationships with your ideal prospects, including how to produce a winning newsletter, so they get to know you, like you, trust you, and invest in you.
xx - And much more!
Is coaching your next career? Are you drop-dead serious about creating a high 5 or 6 figure business as soon as possible, without messing around? Then this program is for you! Click here to apply for a Strategy Session with Kellie to learn more about the Step-by-Step Marketing Mastery Program.