"She gave me confidence in my marketing and pointed me on a clear path”
“When I first spoke with Kellie, my biggest challenges were time and my inability to focus. I knew it would take me hours and days to do what I needed to launch my business, and it felt as though it would be impossible to focus and get it done.
Kellie was able to take all of my scatterbrain-ness and distill it into a message that's clear, has continuity, and all ties together and makes sense. She kept me focused, on point, and on task, and sometimes with me that's like herding cats!
She made sure we made the most of our time together. I got a strong, solid, clear foundation and messaging for my business that I feel good about. All my overthinking, confusion and distortion is gone. It's done! The relief that I feel is phenomenal.
I really liked working with Kellie because above and beyond her marketing expertise, she "got" my sense of humor (and not everyone does). It was great! I felt really comfortable, and she was easy to work with. Oh, and she doesn't get offended easily, which is great because some things just require swearing!
I can't even express all the time, agony, insecurity and gremlins Kellie saved me. She gave me confidence in my marketing and pointed me on a clear path. And for that I am incredibly grateful. Thank you Kellie!!”
Jenny Jordan
Grief Recovery Coach
"I signed up 8 people into free consults, I'm looking at 8 more!”
"After I did Kellie's VIP Day, I signed up for her Platinum program. The amount of support I got in this program was wonderful. A big, big piece was getting my site up and writing all the text, having her edit it and transform it into juicy marketing text.
I'd write something, Kellie would do something miraculous to it and I'd say wow! It sounds so wonderful now!
She also helped me fill out my coaching packages in detail which really boosted my confidence when approaching potential clients.
My first launch was really wonderful. It got the word out there that I was doing retirement coaching, and I learned the value of follow-up calls. I signed up 8 people into free consults/discovery sessions, I'm looking at 8 more, and I'm starting to get clients!
Kellie would "debrief" me after each consult/session, and those debriefs were really helpful. I learned a lot about how to do and say things differently so people would see the value of my coaching and sign up.
Throughout the program I received a lot of feedback from Kellie both verbally and in written form, including a journal I kept that she commented on.
I really liked the journal. It was extremely helpful to keep me on track and answer all my questions when they came up. It also added even more accountability. I needed to figure out each week what I learned and what I accomplished.
It was priceless to have the wonderful information and education to help me with my marketing right at my fingertips, and the support and accountability really kept me on track and got me where I wanted to go faster. I would do it again in a heartbeat!"
Virginia Berger
The Baby Boomer Retirement Coach
“I have more confidence. I know who to talk to, and I know what to say.”
"When I was trying to get my business launched, the hardest thing for me to do was to try and fit an image of what it would look like once it was up and running. Hiring Kellie to help me was the best decision I could have made.
I learned so much from her. Everything she came up to help me brand myself, position my business, appeal to my ideal clients, and more I couldn't have come up with myself. Those ideas simply would never have occurred to me.
I was having difficulty zeroing in a particular market. I knew it was very important but it wasn't easy for me to do. As soon as Kellie helped me find that market and create my branding promise, I "tested" it out on my new market and got lots of great feedback!
Now I have everything I need to launch my business and move forward, and I have more confidence. I know who to talk to, and I know what to say.
When I decided to work with Kellie, I follow my intuition and I gravitate toward positive vibes. Kellie has those vibes: she's very encouraging. She doesn't have to try to be genuine because she just is.
She's centered, knows who she is, knows what she's passionate about. Her gratitude for being able to do what she does for people made me want to work with her. She's easy to work with, and I really felt her genuine sense of caring about my success.
I would confidently recommend the services of Kellie deRuyter to anyone, with no hesitation at all."
Phil Shuart
Insurance Agent Prosperity Coach
"I have lots more confidence, and lots more excitement
now about where I'm headed."
"Before I met Kellie, I was completely lost with regard to my niche. I had no idea where to start, I was a blank page. It was important to me to find a niche that resonated with me, that I was going to be happy with.
Kellie helped me find my niche, and I love it! And that was just the beginning. After that I just kept learning more and more about how to build my business--the right way, the first time.
I gained tons of clarity and learned how to think like an entrepreneur. Kellie offers such a great foundation for that.
I have lots more confidence, and lots more excitement now about where I'm headed because I have a plan.
Yes, Kellie is really fun to work with, really nice, and funny, BUT aside from that, she really knows her stuff! There really is NO fluff, and for me, that's important. Kellie offers nothing but solid information.
If you're serious about your coaching business, take the step and work with Kellie!"
Aime Schiavone
"Everything Kellie does is so well defined that each
step effortlessly opens the door to the next one."
"Before I began working with Kellie, I was a bit off-track and confused with my niche.
With Kellie's amazing overview and direction, together we clarified my niche which resolved my confusion, gave me the direction I was missing and really energized me. From there, we accomplished all kinds the things I couldn't do before.
All the things I needed to create practically wrote themselves: the results my market wanted, my signature system, website, what I do, even who I am! One of the most significant things I learned was the difference between selling "hours for dollars" and having a bona-fide set of signature packages to really leverage my time and what I have to offer as a coach.
Everything Kellie does is so well defined, that as I do each step of her program to launch my business, it effortlessly opens the door for the next step. She's brilliant and her program is foolproof.
The way she treats me is a wonderful example of exactly how I want to treat my clients. I always feel as though I am in incredibly talented hands. Her knowledge and wisdom (which is something totally different than knowledge and can't be taught) is all wrapped in a wonderful sense of real world truth and humor.
Now I wake up feeling confident, excited, renewed, knowing I'm in good hands. I may not know the exact next step, but I know Kellie does. I trust her to always be in my corner, to explain things clearly, and to guide me so I have the confidence to move forward and do it myself.
I knew from the moment I read Kellie's Action Guide (download it today!) that she had something special to offer and I wanted what she had. I'm absolutely getting that and more from her platinum program. Thank you Kellie!"
Steven Shmerler
The Entrepreneur Prosperity Coach
"Kellie's words are rich with content. I couldn't take notes fast enough!"
"Before I met Kellie, I was looking at all the information out there about how to market yourself, and feeling very overwhelmed and confused.
There were too many different options, and too many different ways to do things. I had no idea what was going to work for me, or what would have the most impact for the effort and time I put into it.
Kellie worked closely with me to help me create a system and packages that would effortlessly and elegantly funnel leads from a free offer, to a paid offer, all the way up to my highest paid offer, all of which she helped me create and price appropriately.
Plus, she really helped me clearly understand how it all worked, offering lots of tips on how to enroll people into my packages, so I now feel clear, confident, and excited about my business!
I really like the pace Kellie works at. I like to get results quickly. There are certain people you work with that are "fluffy" and you have to filter through the words to find the nuggets.
Not Kellie! Her words are rich with content. I couldn't take notes fast enough, and yet I also appreciated her endless patience in explaining everything.
I'm eager to go forth the and implement the strategies and techniques I learned from her! I have a great foundation now and I'm confident I can fill my paid programs and truly help people get results through the services I'm offering."
Nicole Johnson MD
Women's Wellness Coach
"I got my first $40,000 client!!"
"When I began my 6 month Platinum program with Kellie, I really had no clue how to market myself, or how to even view myself in an entrepreneurial role.
I was a bit starry eyed about wanting to be a Leadership Development coach.
Kellie helped me recognize that Leadership Development wasn't concrete enough. She helped me identify my true strength and turn it into a successful niche: business change and transition coaching.
She helped me highlight my talents and showcase them so I could attract the companies who needed me.
Throughout the six months, what stands out for me is how much Kellie supported me through every emotion and every roadblock that I put up for myself.
There were times when I doubted myself, doubted my value or ability to do this. She was always right there, encouraging me, addressing it, and helping me gain confidence and move past it.
It helped me get to that tipping point of confidence, so I began to show up powerfully, allowing other people to see what I could provide.
At that point, I got three amazing public speaking opportunities which will clearly yield a tremendous amount of leads.
And, I got my first $40,000 client!
Imagine my excitement!! Kellie was excited right along with me!
That's what I love most about Kellie. She truly cares. She's invested in the success of her clients.
I could write a lot more about how thorough and comprehensive Kellie's program is, and how much it helped me, but let's just say I really appreciate the growth I've experienced in the last 6 months, where I am now vs. where I was, and I know I couldn't have done it without Kellie.
I would definitely recommend her as your marketing coach."
Fern Perusse-Filzen
Change Management Coach
"I got my first year-long client, worth $25,000!!"
When I began working with Kellie, I didn't have much clarity. I was a little confused on which way to go. I had no niche and that lack of focus made my marketing almost impossible.
The first thing Kellie helped me with was figuring out a very clear niche. Then she helped me create everything I needed to get my business going in that niche.
Just having all that wasn't enough though; I knew I needed to be guided through launching my business, so I joined her 6 month Platinum program. It was everything I expected, and more!
I launched my business, and with Kellie's step-by-step help, I got eight Discovery Sessions, and my first year-long client, worth $25,000.00!!
Kellie is very friendly and helpful, very professional, and really knows her stuff. She's to the point, and always looks for what's currently needed. She was always there whenever I needed help or information.
Whether you're a new coach or an established one, if your programs, branding or your niche aren't specific and well developed, you have to talk to Kellie. You will easily recover your investment in her programs.
Andreas Becker
Wealth Building Business Coach
“So far I've gotten 5 Strategy Sessions and 3 clients"
I signed up for Kellie's Platinum program and her VIP Day, because I'd had enough experience with big name marketing coaches to know just by talking with her that she really knew her stuff.
It was clear that she had gathered all of the top knowledge in the industry, added her own extensive business experience, and then added that critical missing piece: the step by step structure on how to make it happen.
She met my expectations and then some! I got the structure and the concrete support I needed. First, in the VIP Day, she helped me design my entire business and set it up for success, including creating my own signature system, and client packages that provided a lot of value and focused on results.
Then in her Platinum program she helped me implement everything she had taught me, and was right there with my next step every time, as soon as I was ready for it.
Whatever I needed, she had a training, an idea, a template, an example, or a word-for-word script for me. My first "launch" to get clients was easy because she told me exactly what to do, and gave me everything I needed to do it.
So far I've gotten 5 Strategy Sessions and 3 clients from that launch, and I haven't even finished it yet! I'll have even more before I'm done.
There were two things I learned from her that were particularly valuable to me. The first was how to enroll clients into my packages, and address their concerns so that an "I'll think about it" or an "I'll get back to you" turned into a "yes!"
The second was she helped me know exactly how much of my expertise to give away, and how much to save for paying clients. Knowing me, without her help I'm sure I would have just given it all away!
One of the things I really like about Kellie is I never have to take her word for anything. She always has real life examples and interesting stories to demonstrate her points, either from her own personal experience or from other coaches' experiences.
I've learned a ton. Now, with Kellie's help, I'm going to take that knowledge and go get even more clients!
"When I look back at the experience and the outcome, I am overwhelmed with such a great sense of accomplishment that words cannot describe it."
"Before I did my VIP day with Kellie, my professional life was tumultuous and uncertain, because I had no idea how I was going to pursue my coaching career. I knew I had a tremendous amount to offer but had no way to convey this to my potential clients.
I was unhappy, torn between being my authentic self helping realtors lead a well balanced life, or being a cold business person teaching realtors simply how to make money.
During my day with Kellie, I had a profound insight: I saw exactly how I could do both: being a powerful business person and helping realtors build an optimal well rounded life, all the while being authentic and true to myself.
It was a huge realization! Kellie helped me see how I could help real estate agents become their optimal, authentic selves and to have a successful career.
Kellie was magical at motivating me to visualize my perfect business all the while showing me how to keep it profitable.
In addition, as a result of our work I know exactly how to package my experience and present it to potential clients. I know what path I want to start on, how to drive my business, where my marketing is going to be, and the specific results I'm delivering.
Now I know how to communicate those results effectively, and I know how to charge for them fairly. My value has been reinforced and it feels great. I have the energy and the power to move forward, and to be happy while doing so.
Three things that I really liked about working with Kellie were her sunny disposition, her ability to stay on track with the process, and how she never allowed "me" to be forgotten when creating my plan.
It was hard work but we had fun, and I appreciate how we were able to walk through each step, and when we were done with each phase the next step became apparent.
When I look back at the experience and the outcome, I am overwhelmed with such a great sense of accomplishment that words cannot describe it.
Overall, I was happily surprised at how flexible Kellie could be with my uniqueness and with my specific needs, and I'm excited about doing her Platinum program. I'm looking forward to growing a fabulous coaching business in 2013!"
Danny Veal
Listing Agent Success Coach
"I work with realtors who want to become top producers: generating more listings, more income, and consistent commissions. I help them design a successful business that blows the lid off their income and minimizes conflict with their personal lives."
"Within 1 Month I had Launched my Own Coaching Business from Conception to On-line, up and Running!"
Business coaching with Kellie really put me on the fast track! I immediately attracted my ideal clients because Kellie helped me choose the perfect niche, market, and branding that truly represented me. She helped me figure out the best way to reach out to my market, too.
Within 1 month I had launched my own coaching business from conception to on-line, up and running!
Kellie also showed me how to package and offer my coaching effectively in enrollment conversations so my ideal clients see the value and they sign up . . . without my having to feel like a "salesperson."
In just a few short months, I've:
- Signed up 4 coaching clients
- Made 3 alliances with major referral partners
- Contracted and delivered 2 speaking engagements
- Been asked to speak again!
It's important to me to be authentic and genuine, and Kellie has shown me how to be both, while presenting myself as a professional and confidently stating my prices, asking for what my coaching is worth.
Having the specialized knowledge of a seasoned business coach available, plus all of her support, encouragement and accountability, has been priceless to me. I feel successful, confident in my business decisions, and best of all, I'm seeing results.
Kellie also taught me more advanced coaching skills to add to those I'd already acquired from a different program, so I feel even more confident in my coaching abilities.
I'm looking forward to even more great success in the months to come, with Kellie as my coach!
Paula Tobey
Parenting Special Children
“It Goes Beyond Money. I feel Valued and Special.
I Absolutely Know that You're There for Me.”
“Kellie, before I met you, I had lost my direction. I was in coaching school, feeling the pressure to choose a niche, but I had no idea what to specialize in. To complicate matters, I was extremely busy with a lot of obligations. I felt like I was spread very thin. Adding one more thing to my life seemed like a real chore.
You helped me get back in touch with my purpose, my passion, and my intuition. With that kind of focus, I'm a powerhouse. You pointed me in a direction that my heart knew was right.
Now I know that with hard work and smart decisions, which you're helping me make, I'll be a success. I have my confidence back! Best of all, I know I can help my clients. I can do something that lights their world up, and that's my heart's desire. My dream of becoming a coach is coming to fruition before my very eyes.
And then there's the practical stuff. I can't believe how much I've gotten done since we started working together! Defining my niche, all of my branding, marketing copy, signature system, 15 page free report to offer value to my clients, website opt-in page, business plan . . . so much stuff, and we're only just getting started!
Kellie, I want you to know that I feel completely supported by you. You're very conscientious. It's important to me to feel that I can depend on people, and I absolutely know that you're there for me.
You've shown me over and over again in so many ways, big and small, that I matter, that I'm important. It goes beyond money. I feel valued and special. I know that you really care, that it comes from your heart. It's who you are, and that means so much to me. I couldn't have asked for a better coach or mentor.”
Lorna McCarty
Long Term Relationship Coach
Phoenix Rising Relationships
"I help couples in long-term relationships re-kindle the passion and closeness they once felt, creating renewed desire and a heartfelt connection that lasts a lifetime."
"I've Saved a Lot of Time, Heartache and Money"
Before I decided to work with Kellie, I thought I had a niche, but I wasn't getting anywhere with it. It was too broad, and I was stuck. I had no sense of direction. I kept going around in circles.
I spent a lot of money on stuff I shouldn't have that didn't result in anything, like a fancy website. I was getting embarrassed talking to people about my coaching, because no one was seeing any results.
Then Kellie helped me find this GREAT niche! I am so excited! I realized once we decided on it that my whole life has been set up to do this. Now I know exactly what the next steps are to market myself, and I feel confident in getting my first clients.
I feel as though a tremendous weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel lighter and less anxious. I can look people in the eye & tell them exactly what I'm doing, and to stay tuned for more great stuff to come.
Best of all, I know that I have my own business, and with it I'll be able to provide for myself.
The great thing about Kellie is she's "walked a mile" in my shoes. She has so much experience, and she knows what works and what doesn't. It's saved me a lot of time, heartache and money. She has a wealth of information. I feel relaxed and confident, knowing I'm in good hands.
In addition, I'm a very organized person, and I really like how organized Kellie is.
Also, she's honest, and gives honest feedback. She doesn't "tiptoe" around things, and I like that. So, stay tuned, because there's more great stuff to come!!
Inge Flackett
Cultural Adjustment Coach
"I coach relocated individuals from foreign cultures, and their spouses, to help them adjust to American culture and create a wonderful experience in our country."
These are the Results You're Going to Get"

Kellie's VIP day was exactly what I needed. As soon as I did the work with her, everything fell into place. I had the clarity and confidence to move forward, knowing the exact steps I needed to take to get me where I was going.
I like working with Kellie so much I signed up to be in her Platinum program. She's authentic, she has integrity, she's fun to work with, and she has lots of real world coaching experience. There's no fluff or "woo-woo" stuff. There's no BS. There's just 'This is what works, here's why, and these are the results you're going to get.'"
Ken Germann
Internet Marketing Coach
Custom Health Solutions
Pivot Point Coaching
"Coaching Leaders and Companies from Distress to Success."
"I Felt As Though A Load Had Lifted Off Me"
"When I first met you Kellie, I wasn't sure how to communicate to people what I could do for them. I was frustrated and felt like I had hit a wall. I was actually avoiding talking to people about my business because I didn't know what to say!
After our VIP day, I felt as though a load had lifted off me. All of a sudden I found myself naturally having conversations with people and they understood exactly what I did!
The following week, I was invited to speak, received a referral for a new client, and was invited into a large networking group because they needed a business coach.
Now I'm communicating clearly and speaking with confidence. I'm using words that help people see the results they can get by working with me. I appreciate you lifting me past that barrier and am now excited to share what I do!"
Laura White
White Oasis Leadership
"We help small business owners transform their employees into a co-operative, committed team; so that costs are reduced, sales increase, and customer satisfaction is enhanced."
“I've More Than Doubled My Rates and
Now I'm Charging What I'm Worth!”
Although I had started my business before I began working with Kellie, I had no idea how to run it. I didn't know how to promote it, how to grow it, or even how to handle the clients I had currently had.
I had no confidence and no clue how to make it work for me and keep my clients happy at the same time. I didn't know how to balance being an entrepreneur and being a mom to my three small children.
My husband and I fought about money all the time. Lack of money was a huge stressor in my house. I wasn't charging nearly enough for my services, but was afraid to raise my rates.
Coaching with Kellie turned everything around for me. Now I have more skills and more confidence than I ever imagined possible! I feel capable, and I'm in control.
With Kellie's coaching and support, I've more than doubled my rates and now I'm charging what I'm worth. That was HUGE for me! It feels wonderful to be able to confidently state my price, and if they don't want to pay it, that's ok. I have a full, thriving business and I know I'm worth it. I'm even turning people away!
My husband and I never fight about money now. We're in such a better place financially. Our home is much nicer because we've made a lot of improvements, we just took the family to Disney World for a week, I bought a brand new car, and my business paid for it all!!
I know Kellie genuinely cares for me on a personal level, and vice-versa. It makes all the difference in the world to know that it's about me and how I'm doing, and not just about my business. She truly is awesome!!
Tara Dunion
Founder & CEO
Virtually Speaking VA Services
“I Would Highly Recommend Kellie”
Before I worked with Kellie, I'd been coaching for a company that supplied me with clients. Those clients, however, had been dwindling, and I found my weekly invoice becoming smaller every week.
The time had come get my name out there, solidify my own branding and do my own marketing.
I’m not afraid of hard work but I couldn't afford to make mistakes or re-invent the wheel. I needed to know how to achieve the results I wanted in the shortest time possible.
Kellie educated me on which direction to take in order to get the results I wanted. In addition, she helped me determine what I wanted to say in my marketing, how I wanted to say it, and how I wanted to execute the strategies we designed.
I really like working with Kellie because we speak the same language: "Coach." We talk about my goals for my practice, the steps for achieving those goals, how I feel about those goals and what might get in my way . . . you know, coaching stuff.
And she's just so easy to work with. I like to sit back in my chair and think out loud. She's the perfect sounding board for brainstorming ideas. I love how energetic and effervescent she is - like champagne.
If any professional is looking to distinguish themselves in their field of expertise, I would highly recommend Kellie to help navigate them through the jungle know as the marketing world. You couldn’t find a better guide.
Mark Fechner
e-Trading Coach
"I partner with traders in the financial markets, helping them create a unique strategy for profitable trading. I help them achieve confidence in themselves and in their decisions, reducing fear and frustration and increasing financial freedom."
“No More Procrastination, and Significantly Less Fear"
Before I became a certified coach, I was a successful marketing professional. So for months before I worked with Kellie, I'd been drafting a smart list of marketing activities that I knew would build my coaching business.
I looked at this list every day on my desk . . . yet I was not able to tackle a single thing on it.
I became increasingly frustrated with myself. With my marketing background, I thought I should have been able to get going easily. But weeks went by, and I was no closer to achieving my vision. So I scheduled a VIP day with Kellie to get my business launched.
The accountability and support she provided were tremendous, and exactly what I needed. I knew I wasn't getting off the phone until it was done. Kellie was my partner and we tackled it together.
She was very focused on the result, which is important to me. She laid it all out: "Here's what we're going to do. These are the steps. This is how it's going to build." Every step of the way I knew where I was in the process and how far I had left to go.
It was a great way to work, and it reduced my sense of overwhelm. When we hit roadblocks, she'd say, "Let's try another angle. We can do this." And she made sure we celebrated each victory and each step.
In just one day I gained confidence that I really could get organized, market myself, and be successful at running my own business. I went to a networking event that week, began promoting myself more extensively and getting results immediately. No more procrastination, and significantly less fear.
I have great momentum coming out of my VIP day. I'm light-years ahead of where I was, I know exactly what my next steps are, and I'm taking them. It's an exciting place to be!
Marnie Rosenberg
The Crossroads Coach
"I partner with established, successful professionals who feel a persistent “itch” to make a change. I help them discover their true passion and confidently navigate the transition into a more fulfilling life."
“We Came up With Marketing that I Really Liked”
Before Kellie and I worked together, I was totally overwhelmed by the whole idea of marketing. I’d had so many different people tell me what I needed to do, and so much of the advice appeared to be contradictory!
I felt like I was drowning in a pool of great bits of advice, with no idea how to fit them all together.
Kellie threw me a life preserver! She explained it so it all made sense. She helped me become clear on what was really important, what was most essential, where to start, and how to get where I needed to go.
Then she worked with me to get all the essential stuff done so I could launch my business. I love her “give and take” style! She met me where I was at and worked together with me so we came up with marketing that I really liked.
She was full of creative ideas, and it got my own creativity going. I always felt like I had the freedom to say no if something didn’t resonate, and I don’t always feel that way with people.
I’m excited now because I have a plan. This whole marketing thing seems at last as though it is, in fact, manageable! I have a handle on it. Kellie not only makes it easy, she’s good at helping you understand it.
I honestly think that Kellie epitomizes great coaching. You really don’t know what great coaching is until you experience it, and I think it needs to be experienced to be believed.
If I can coach others the way Kellie coaches me, then I know I’ll be a great coach.
Lynn Biddle-Walker
“Kellie's knowledge and experience are incredible!”
Before Kellie and I worked together I had received a whole lot of information about marketing and business development to the point of feeling overwhelmed. I was really looking for something that would be immediately applicable to my unique situation.
I wanted help from someone who had actually done it, who could guide me in a straightforward, concise way that made sense to me. So I decided to work with Kellie after hearing one of her teleseminars.
Kellie put everything into a step-by-step format that made creating a marketable business very clear. It was easy to apply to my particular situation.
Another important piece for me was her feedback. Kellie's knowledge and experience are incredible! She asked great probing questions, working with me to create a business that I love, that has all the elements of success.
As everything became more structured and clear, I also felt a great sense of openness about working with her. There was plenty of freedom within the structure to be creative and to choose what felt like a good fit for me.
Kellie was terrific at supporting me and really understands where I am in the process of building my business. In fact, I felt that she was such a good fit that I decided to "go for it" and do her 6 month platinum program.
So I'm excited, encouraged and confident about growing into the leader I know I really am!
Ruth Bartel PCC
Performing Artist Mindset Coach
"I work with dancers and musicians who want to improve their performance. I help them discover the True Artist within, so they shine from the inside out."
"She knows her stuff, she's spot on, and she makes me
laugh about it too"
When I met Kellie, I was totally confused as to what direction to go in, and I was
frustrated. I didn't know who I was trying to reach with my marketing; I just knew I wanted to help people reach their goals.
Kellie made it so easy to get started, everything went from frustrating, to fun! What a relief. The best part is, finding my passion was absolutely dazzling! I feel unstoppable. I know I have so much to offer, I can't help but change women's lives!
Kellie filled in all the gaps for me. Even though I got a lot of information through my coaching school, it just wasn't enough to help me actually start my business. I needed more "nuts and bolts" on how to build the business end of it, and Kellie gave that to me.
Now that I'm in her Platinum program, she continues to give me those nuts and bolts - what I need, when I need it. She's always there nudging me along in the right direction. It feels wonderful to relax and be excited about my business, knowing I'm on the right track.
The thing I like best about working with Kellie is her sense of humor. She makes me laugh! It makes the medicine go down better, like when she gives me a really funny critique on something that could "stand some improvement."
She knows her stuff, she's spot on, and she makes me laugh about it too. So if you want to go from frustrated and confused, to passionate and fun, I couldn't think of anyone else to work with that would be better than Kellie.
Susan Swazey Brandl
The Ideal Body Coach
"I partner with women who are overweight or unhappy with their bodies. I help them make the necessary changes from the inside out, creating the ideal body they desire."
"My business has nearly doubled! No kidding!"
When I contacted Kellie, I was stressed, exhausted, and overwhelmed. I was having a difficult time balancing work, family, and home, let alone creating any “me” time.
Being a driven person, I was working so hard to make my clients happy that I was missing out on spending time with my young son. I was afraid to take on any new clients until I could get control of my business and my life.
I had a free breakthrough session with Kellie, and she knew immediately that my issues were caused by my lack of setting boundaries and my need to “over deliver” excellent customer service. My clients were not demanding it from me, I was demanding it from myself!
After our VIP Day, I was not only clear on what I needed to do, but I was also comfortable actually doing it. Believe it or not, the steps I have taken since then have not only given me applause from my current clients, but my business has nearly doubled! No kidding!
Kellie is very focused on the needs of her clients and very perceptive about what is really going on behind the scenes. She is fantastic at pointing out what she sees in a positive way and suggesting what changes may be helpful. Then she encourages me to think about them and make the best decisions for myself and my business.
Working with Kellie has honestly made me feel much more in control and much more empowered as a business owner than I’ve ever felt before.
Her knowledge of what coaches need has helped me put together fantastic service packages in a way that highlights the talents of myself and my team, and helps us stand out from other VAs.
And most importantly, she has helped me see that I can have a successful business AND more time with my son!
Thank you, Kellie, for the amazing breakthrough and growth!
Sandy Silva
Virtual Assistant
Kellie, before our VIP day, I knew I needed to get my marketing together, but I didn't know what to do first. Even though I had great coach training, I didn't feel as though I had enough marketing knowledge to get out there and really show myself.
Our VIP day not only gave me everything I needed, step-by-step, to put myself out there successfully, but it gave me the inspiration to do it. I had my entire "free taste" for my niche done within a week of our day. I'm very happy, and very excited!
I have to admit, there were times during our day that I thought "Oh my gosh, did I take on too much here?" But there was a calmness about you that grounded me. Your encouragement, positive energy and sense of humor carried me forward when I was struggling. You really helped me believe in myself.
After it was over and I hung up, the confidence stayed with me. I thought: "Ok Kathy, you can do this!" And I did. I never thought I'd have so much done, so soon.
It was also extremely helpful that you were a life coach for so many years. You knew just what I was going through; you could relate to me. I never had to explain anything, you just understood.
"I partner with adoptees to find answers, acceptance and peace, through inner and outer journeys of discovery."
"I Feel Like a Huge Weight has Lifted off my Shoulders!"
Before I began working with Kellie, I felt like there was just a mountain of stuff I didn't know how to do to market my business. I didn't know where to go, how to organize my thoughts, or even what questions to ask.
I feel like a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders! Now I have my niche, I know who my market is, my branding is done, my goals are set, I know where I'm going and I'm on my way! Just knowing I have Kellie to hold my hand through the rest of the process is enormously beneficial.
The very first thing I got from her was clarity. Clarity, and excitement because I could see how it was going to work!
I saw because it worked with me. The process is clear, and I get it: It's just "Feeding the elephant one bit at a time." Now I know all I have to do is follow the system and I'll get there.
Kellie is very approachable, knowledgeable, and engaging. I really feel as though she cares about me, specifically. And when you're jumping into something as scary as starting a business, that is a wonderful, wonderful thing to know.
Certified Professional Coach
"I help single women stop attracting the bad boys and start attracting the great guys so they find their perfect match."
I was right. The VIP day was everything I had hoped for! As we worked together, you helped me look within and find where my true passion was.
When I expressed self doubt you routed me in a different direction and kept me in a positive place.
Your knowledge and marketing expertise in the realm of coaching gave me the confidence that I was making the right choices for me.
With my Branding Promise and Signature System, I now have a vehicle to easily express how my experience and expertise in my specialty can help others.
The Profit Pyramid helped me see how I could offer my coaching specialty in different ways, to help people whatever their needs and their budget. Best of all, I could see clearly, on paper, how to reach the financial goals I want to achieve in my business.
The energy and excitement you brought to the day was catching. Now I know in each moment that I am following my true purpose, and I feel confident, excited, and eager to move forward with the rest of our Platinum program. I know I'm moving toward something truly amazing!
"I help people past the initial stages of grief move forward, transforming their loss into a life with meaning and purpose."
“All I Can Say is WOW….”
Crazy is a good word for my situation when I met Kellie. I set no boundaries and my clients were used to taking advantage of me. I was afraid to raise my prices or make any other changes because I didn't want to lose clients.
Kellie helped me convert to packages & raise my rates to be consistent and to reflect what my services were worth. I love it!
She helped me set boundaries, get organized, balance my work load, and also to understand what was unique and valuable about what I had to offer. All this has helped me get control of my business and my life back.
And as for her help with my marketing and getting my ideal clients, all I can say is WOW….it was awesome to learn how my personality and my brand work hand in hand to attract my ideal clients! It really works!
I love love love, Kellie's no nonsense approach to her coaching. She calls it like she sees it, and always in a manner that is tactful and understanding. She always gives me a high level of encouragement.
Having her on my side has been amazing. She has seen me through the process of transforming my business. Her calm kept me grounded and motivated so that I could move through the challenges of getting my business right where I wanted it to be!
Shannon Kuykendall
At Your Request - VA
"The speed of Kellie's creativity was awesome
and her intuition was very powerful."
"When Kellie and I had our first conversation, my biggest challenge was focusing and getting clear on what I could really bring to the table for my clients.
In 5-10 minutes of working with Kellie, with just a few questions she zeroed in on my niche and "The heavens opened up!" I had my niche!
Everything Kellie did with me to create the foundation for my business was great, but what I found the most valuable was the speed--we got so much done, so fast! The speed of her creativity was awesome, and her intuition was very powerful.
What this did for me was keep me very focused on my client's needs. I was able to put myself in my client's shoes and keep asking "What's in it for me?" I became very good at seeing everything from their perspective.
I was also impressed with how cohesive the branding and marketing plan we put together was. The names of everything and the slogans all matched and coordinated with each other very nicely.
I was very attracted and drawn to the amazing balance Kellie has between head and heart. She's very practical and logical, but also very creative and intuitive. That gave me a lot of trust in her.
Since our work together I have a lot more confidence, and I feel a lot more motivated and excited now that I have a strong foundation to move forward with!
I would certainly recommend to any new coach that they work with Kellie. She'll help you take all that excited energy you have when you're first starting out and channel it into a strong foundation for success!"
Rachel Ramm
"Whoo-hoo! It Felt Wonderful to Finally Have Time
for My Personal Life and Money!"
Before working with Kellie, I was complaining about working 7 days a week. I did psychic calls and personal sessions morning, noon and night. I did not have enough quality time with my son, or enough money.
I had no set days off and my clients called me whenever they wanted to. I felt out of control and overwhelmed.
In my first session with Kellie, she suggested I raise my rates and shorten my sessions (she actually offered the precise prices and time frames). I laughed and said, “No way!”
I hate to sell, because I don’t want to seem pushy, but Kellie showed me how to get the value of what I do across without sounding pushy. She also helped me create enticing packages that offered more value without taking up more of my time.
I began quoting her suggested rates to new clients and to my astonishment, they scheduled without hesitation! So I began raising my long term clients’ rates…and shortening their sessions.
Whoo-hoo! It felt wonderful to finally have time for my personal life and money!
Kellie is a fabulous coach because I get the best of both worlds: I make all the decisions regarding my business, but she gives me tons of ideas, scripts on what to say to clients, and specific step-by-step guidance on every aspect of marketing and growing my business.
She’s really great at guiding me through my mental blocks around it all too. I am much more excited about my psychic career now! I am managing my time better, and spending much more of it with my son. I now have a brand new group of clients that I enjoy much more. Best of all, I am making a lot more money …working Less!
Kellie has transformed me from a victim into a happy powerhouse! Thank you so much Kellie. I owe you a zillion dollars!”
Laurie Gregg
"It Worked! I'm Making Great Money Now!"
Before I contacted Kellie, I knew I needed to do something to jumpstart my business and begin working with more ideal clients. I wanted to increase my income, but was concerned about raising my rates.
I learned, through Kellie's coaching, how to get more prospects to actually follow through and became clients.
It worked! I'm making great money now! I'm more confident when I talk to prospective clients, and I'm better at closing the deal and getting them signed on.
Best of all, I have only ideal clients that I'm thrilled to work with.
Kellie is very easy to work with, yet she never let me slide. She's easy going, down to earth, straightforward, and always very responsive. She gave me the support and motivational boosts I needed to stop procrastinating and get going. With her help, I finally put in place the marketing system I know I needed (and wanted) to establish.
Terry Green
BizEase Support Solutions
"I Have More Enthusiasm, Energy and Excitement
Because I'm Doing Something Close to My Heart"
Before I began my work with Kellie, I felt like I was in a niche and a market that "didn't fit." It never felt quite right, and therefore I wasn't getting the results I wanted.
Now I have more enthusiasm, energy and excitement because I'm doing something close to my heart - something I'm confident I can succeed at!
I also feel immense relief at not having to constantly "roll that huge stone up the hill."
Kellie's creativity and generosity were boundless. I also really appreciated her high energy and her optimism. In her presence, I always feel like anything is possible!
Marilyn Fahrner
"It's Your Turn" Coaching
“The enthusiasm and creativity Kellie brings to work is catching"
Before I began working with Kellie, I felt that I was lacking direction. As an intuitive healer with multiple skills, I was trying to be everything to everyone.
It had become so exhausting that I realized I couldn't do that anymore. I needed to change my focus. I knew I needed to lay a foundation to create the business I wanted, but I wasn't sure how to proceed.
I was in a very positive place, so I just put it out there to the Universe: "Ok, where do I go from here? How do I go to the next level? Immediately, Kellie showed up!
Kellie helped me look at everything differently. I looked at things I'd never considered before. I questioned my process and how I wanted to present myself to the world.
My thinking became bigger, broader, and I began to see and focus on what was really important, especially identifying my ideal clients. Together, we created that foundation for the perfect market I was looking for.
Kellie encouraged me to recognize my true value as a spiritual teacher. My self-confidence has improved, and that's helped me become even more "magnetic" to all the good stuff I want to come my way.
What I really like about Kellie is she makes something that seems challenging, fun and informative instead!
The enthusiasm and creativity she brings to the work is catching, and makes it easy for me to push past my blocks, step outside my comfort zone, and move forward. I'm excited as I continue to build my new business!
Jennifer Norton
A Course in Miracles Teacher & Spiritual Guide
"I help A Course in Miracles Students eliminate blocks to trusting their divine guidance, allowing them to reduce or eliminate life struggles and live in accordance with their true selves."
"I'm Making Multiple Six-Figures Now, Being My Own Boss!"
Kellie, a year ago when you and I began working together, I was incredibly stressed out, not sleeping, feeling overwhelmed with work and unsatisfied and unappreciated. I felt trapped in my job and I hated it. I didn't feel like I had time for my family or anything I wanted to do. I wasn't sure of what next step I wanted to take with my career at that point.
With your support, I quit my job and started my own business. I began doing work I wanted to do and was good at. Now, almost a year later, it's going way better than I ever could have imagined! It's even better than my original vision!
You've helped me:
- Get a handle on my finances and make more money: I'm making multiple six figures now, being my own boss! My ability to create, manage and keep money has improved dramatically thanks to you. It permeates everything in my life.
- I'm working fewer hours and my work has improved in quality and quantity. I'm more focused and creative, I get to stretch myself in new ways, my productivity is higher, and my energy level is much, much higher.
- I prioritize more effectively, doing things that are effective at bringing in money, instead of unimportant stuff that just is "on my to do list". I delegate more, I let go of unimportant things, and I'm done more quickly.
- Get control of my time! I've let go of all the things and people that were bogging me down. That is the biggest, most wonderful thing I've gotten out of working with you. I can say "no" when I need to. It's incredibly empowering to do that.
- Spend quality time with my family where I value it most. My relationship with my kids has improved. I'm present and engaged in a more meaningful way with my boys. When my son smiles at me, I'm able to absorb that in the moment and enjoy it instead of thinking about the five next things I need to do.
Kellie, I would never have been here without you. I would never have thought that I could do this. I was convinced it wasn't the right time, the right market, the right reasons.
I would never have made the decision to be where I am if it had been up to me. Your encouragement, support and guidance helped me successfully come back around to a goal that I was afraid to embrace on my own.
I am happier than I've been in 20 years! Thank you.
Angela Goode
C.E.O. ESR Advisors
Hamilton, New Jersey
“In that One VIP Day with Kellie, I Feel like I Bridged the Gap!”
Before I did my VIP day with Kellie, I felt overwhelmed . . . lost is a good word too, at the prospect of marketing my business. I'd just finished my coaching certification and there was that big "ok, now what?"
I felt like I had enough information on the coaching part of it. But the whole business aspect, how to make the transition from a student to an entrepreneur, there was a big gap there.
In that one VIP day with Kellie, I feel like I bridged the gap! I accomplished a tremendous amount toward launching my coaching business. I know where I'm going, and I know what my next steps are. I'm feeling much more confident in the business aspect.
I'm also more confident in talking about what it is that I do, who my ideal clients are, and the kind of transformation I can offer them.
Kellie's specialized knowledge in the marketing and business arena of coaching was extremely beneficial to me; it was a really important strength she brought to the table.
But what I needed most, and liked best, was her ability to work one on one with me and meet me "where I was at". I had done the group thing, and it just didn't meet my needs as an individual.
So if you want to smoothly transition from student to professional, I would highly recommend working with Kellie.
Fabiana Dodson, CPC
“It was like she was inside my head, and knew exactly what I needed!"
When I met Kellie, I felt completely overwhelmed by all the stuff I needed to do to start my business. I also felt everything needed to be perfect, so between the two, I felt paralyzed.
To be honest, I had a limited amount of money to spend on getting my business going, so investing in Kellie was a big decision and a big deal. But it was so worth it--I'm really glad I did!
Kellie took me through everything one step at a time, bit by bit, so I wasn't overwhelmed at all. At the same time she gave me a ton of information that was relevant and useful.
I learned what was most important to focus on as a new coach, and what could wait until my business got through that first stage. It was like she was inside my head, and knew exactly what I needed!
We figured out what my niche was going to be, and made sure it was marketable (that was a big one). Then she helped me come up with a fabulous marketing message that appealed to my ideal clients.
Kellie is a genius at wording things. I love how she comes up with these great ways of wording your message, then checks with you to see if you like it. Then she adjusts it until you absolutely love it.
I was impressed by all her marketing knowledge, too. Her extensive background really shows. It's a bonus that she's friendly, and very generous with her resources, information, and time. Her blog is amazing, and it's free!
My business wouldn't have stood a chance without her. She's the coach I was looking for. I highly recommend her.
Taryn L.
"Kellie skillfully combines her marketing knowledge with the "coach approach,
"freeing up my creativity so I can be at my very best."

I didn't know what to do or say to trigger someone to be interested in my coaching.
I couldn't believe how much I got from one VIP Day with Kellie: I solidified my niche and became very clear on what I provide to my ideal clients. I gained a system to follow and a step by step structure which pulled it all together and helped it all make sense.
I have something concrete to grab onto now, something I can easily share with others.
The other thing that was really fabulous was Kellie showed me exactly the kind of business I would need to make the income I wanted, including packages and pricing, and for the first time I could see that it was really possible. I finally felt as though I could really do this!
Those 100 hours are going to be easy! I have complete confidence in my ability to get them now because of the work we did.
What I really loved about working with Kellie was she understood that I had the answers within me.
She skillfully combined her marketing knowledge with the "coach approach," asking powerful questions and offering perspectives, information and ideas, but always leaving the final decisions up to me. I like being treated that way, it frees up my creativity so I can be at my very best.
Overall, I'd say working with Kellie has been extremely effective in taking me from possibility, to reality!"
Ann Rebera
Empowerment Coach for Nurse Leaders